Tuesday, September 9, 2014

So here i sit. I am hovering around 294. I need to do something about my weight. So I am going to go onto the "Doctor's Diet" ter I just dont know when yet. I am taking little steps like not just grabbing a sammy from Wendy's because I dont want to make anything.. I purposely came home today and made up a salad for myself. which i then made extra and put away in the fridge for later. Little steps. Not eating as much bread. We shall see.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Today I tried to do a sit up. My core didnt have the strength to do it. I was supposed to do 10 situps. Instead, I did 20 crunches. Take that, Core.

Monday, July 29, 2013

5 pounds gone.

I lost five pounds in the month of July. Pretty good, I would have to say. and it got me thinking. If I lost 5lbs a month for a year, that would be -60 lbs and that would be FANTASTIC. Also, It didnt take very much for me to lose that 5 lbs, so it should be pretty easy for me to keep it up and off. the one main key I have seen in the last two months is that I have cut out MILK in mostly everything. I used to get non fat mochas almost daily, and then I realized that is a shit ton of milk! So i switched it up to an Americano with a little bit of cream and two raw sugars... and it has worked very well. While I still splurge here and there and get either a mocha or a latte, its a great alternative. I think it's just about finding a HEALTHIER alternative to things.

Friday, July 19, 2013


I am very discouraged. Maybe it's because I stepped on the scale today only to find that I have not lost any weight. But maybe it is because I went to my son's boy scout camp for 2 days, hiked well over 7 miles in that day, am super sore, bitchy, and THEN found out that I havent lost any weight. I KNOW muscle weighs more than fat, and that's usually what I build up first, but Man... it is so hard to not feel depressed over that NUMBER. that's all it is a stupid fucking number. IT's not the fact that I have been feeling great, phsyically. Its not about how my clothes are fitting a lot looser lately. Its about that fucking number and that drives me insane. Thanks for listening.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Weight Scale Victory!

I stepped on the scale today... and..... I have lost 2 pounds! I am so happy about this!!!! I know that you develop muscle and it weighs more than fat, so I wasnt expecting a huge drop in numbers, but I am very happy with 2. I know in the past when I have gone on exercise routines, that I gain a massive amount of muscle. So it doesnt seem like I am losing any weight when I am just gaining, but I can feel it in my body and the way my clothes fit.

but, YAY!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

So I took yesterday off from the 30 day shred. I know. I know. 3rd day in and I take it off. But I had a good reason. It was really hot yesterday. And our house NEVER cooled off. I mean, it's not what Vegas and Phoenix and the like are going through (HOW, people? HOW????), but for a native northwesterner it was bad.

But I stand corrected. I decided that I wanted to take a shower tonight, as I have to be to work early tomorrow morning. and then I had a light bulb moment. WHy dont I do my workout that makes me super sweaty anyways and THEN take my shower. So I did. And I am getting stronger and stronger. I am really happy about that!

After my last workout (Wednesday), I was not sore the next day. But I took some muscle relaxers that night, so that might have been the reason. But this is all progress.
